Essentials of healthcare workplace violence prevention (1.0 CNE)
Digital downloadThis reprinted article from the Spring/Summer 2023 issue of The Washington Nurse can be reviewed for 1.0 CNE contact hours. Follow the link in the article (blue sidebar) for instructions on how to obtain CNE credit.
Health Equity
BundleThis bundle contains two courses: Implicit Bias, and Cultural Humility. Taken together, these courses satisfy the Health Equity requirement for continuing licensure in Washington state.
Workplace Violence
BundleThis bundle includes two courses providing comprehensive information on healthcare workplace violence: individual safety best practices, and an overview of the 2019 Washington State workplace violence law requirements.
Workplace Violence Prevention - Washington Requirements
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This course provides an overview of the 2019 Washington law on workplace violence prevention in health care settings. Prevention tips and recommendations are included.
Telehealth Assessment for Providers
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This education activity helps the care provider understand how to provide a telehealth visit successfully.
Legislative 101
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This presentation provides an overview of the Federal and State government structure. It offers resources to inform registered nurses about the legislative process and encourages them to get involved.